HSC CRANES SCX1500A-3 for sale
Price: POA
Brand: HSC CRANESTitle: SCX1500A-3Precise and eco-friendlyIntroducing a new generation of crane with ideal workability and performance to suit any work site. The SCX1500A-3 offers users unprecedented work precision and efficiency and more than ample power for any job. Be in control of a crane that takes performance to new levels.Full capacity at full reach: 1.4 t x 63.3 mMaximum lift capacity: 150 t x 4.5 mMaximum boom length: 75 mMaximum boom + fly jib: 63 + 28 mFeatures: Stage IV Engine|Compact & Convenient|Reduction Counter Weight SpecificationThe eco-friendly Stage IV engine with an eco winch and idle stop function enable the SCX1500A-3 to meet the latest emissions regulations and operate with low fuel consumption.|Being less than 3m wide, and weighing less than 30t, making the SCX1500A-3 an easier option to load on to trailers. The swing cab mechanism has also been employed to increaase boom foot width further, for more reliable crane operation and exceptional ease of transportation.|A reduction counter weight specification is available as an optional extra to provide added flexibility for a diverse range of worksites, including high locations and within tight internal areas where operating weight is limited or restricted (with counter weight detector). Operate the crane as 150 t, 140 t, 130 t, 120 t and 110 t.
Title | HSC CRANES SCX1500A-3 |
Price | POA |
Listing Type | New |
Stock Number | 792 |
Refcode | TA1112436 |
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50 Great Eastern Highway
South Guildford, WA